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Butter by Rud is vegetable fat free
There was an article printed on 28 June in the Eho newspaper that went under the title “Is 75% of butter sold in shops counterfeit ?”. The question mark at the end of the sentence is already a sign not to fully believe such results as true. Need to mention that this article has nothing to do with the Rud company and its products, as the quality of its butter raises no doubts. It was successfully tested by civic organizations “Consumer Trust” a Ukranian association for Consumer Rights Quality Control and “Consumer Rights Civic Control”. As for overall test results among all producers, they surprised even professionals. It showed that only 9 out of 25 butter brands appeared to be genuine sweet cream butter. These 9 brands are Ferma 73,0%, Brodivske 73,0%, Ruzha 73,0%, Nova Troya 73,0%, Prostokvashino 72,6%, Vologodske 82,5% by Rud, Kuharochka 72,5%, Novokahovski Zavod Plavlenyh Syriv and President 82,0% as it was stated on Facebook corporate page of a civic organization “Consumer Rights Civic Control”.
The Rud company gives an automobile for ATO soldiers
Helping our soldiers in ATO zone is a sacred obligation for us all. We see examples of volunteers’ assistance every day. On 30 July 2016 Petro Volodymyrovych Rud delivered a new Gazel automobile over soldiers of the 7 th squadron 8th battalion 10th brigade, located in the frontline near the town of Mariinka Donetsk region. A new freezing chamber were handed over to 95 th brigade as well. It was initiated by priests of Zhytomyr Saint Michael cathedral, who returned not long ago fro ATO zone where they provided spiritual support and assistance to military men.
The Rud company as well as Petro Volodymyrovych personally take proactive part in charity events. Within the scope of “Charitable Ukraine– 2015” competition Zhytomyr butter plant was given a sign of significance “Angel of Good” and also became a winner in the regional competition “Charitable Zhytomyr region”.
PAT Zhytomyr butter plant keeps on with its charity activity which is aimed at helping our army, wounded soldiers and vulnerable segments of the population. More than 60 Ice Cream Fests were hosted this year within the framework of a social project “With warmth to everyone”.