Zhytomyr Butter-Making Plant is visited by a large number of tourists and guests every month. One hundred and thirty guided tours involving almost four thousand visitors were held in April. One hundred and sixty-nine tours were held for almost five thousand tourists in May. And one hundred forty-two tours involving four thousand people willing to visit the enterprise were held in June.
On 21 June 2018 a team of key experts from central government authorities, namely the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, SE “UkrNDNC”, SE “Ukrmetrteststandart” and scientific institutes: SRE NAAS, L.I. Medved's Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety, Ministry of Health (State Enterprise), “Ukrahropromproduktyvnist” RI associated with the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation SE, ZMI and AUPI FF got acquainted with the ice cream production process at Zhytomyr Butter-Making Plant PJSC.
At the event the experts of “Rud” company made a presentation on “Experience in Implementation of Food Safety Standards at Zhytomyr Butter-Making Plant PJSC” outlining the current practical issue: “The Role of the Standards at Entry of the Enterprise into Foreign Markets”.
Ihor Illich Bartkovskyi, the President of the Association of the Ukrainian Producers “Ice Cream and Frozen Food” has awarded Zhytomyr Butter-Making Plant PJSC a diploma for the development and improvement of production processes aimed at conformance to the international food safety and quality standards.
Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Shpyta, the Head of the Main Department of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection in Zhytomyr region expressed gratitude to Petro Volodymyrovych Rud for the implementation of organic goods production technologies and for the longstanding adherence to the Ukrainian and international quality standards in production of dairy products.
Issues of effective cooperation and standards essential for entry of the enterprise into foreign markets were discussed at the meeting: every company entering the world trade commonwealth should adhere to these standards.
External economic activity is more complex than internal one, as it requires considering national, religious, cultural and ethnic peculiarities and specifics of the countries whose markets a company plans to enter. In the foreign markets companies face a range of factors which are also more numerous, complex and interrelated than those in the domestic market.
Companies aiming to conquer the international market should be aware of significant investments, efforts and resources required for such activity: organizational, as well as personnel, financial and commercial. Furthermore, neither company is able to start business abroad without reaching the required minimum level of control, production and quality management systems. For this purpose the company has to estimate its readiness to enter the foreign markets and to adapt its products to the international requirements and standards, to investigate and define the accessibility of the foreign market, to specify possible factors of competitiveness in the international market, to analyse general risks to safe external economic cooperation with foreign contractors.