A few days ago, Company “Rud” won the first place in the Large Business Charity nomination and became the winner of the Charitable Zhytomyr 2017 regional contest.
On 23 March 2018, PJSC Zhytomyr Butter Plant and other benefactors of Zhytomyr Region received awards at the Ukrainian Culture House within the framework of Charitable Zhytomyr 2017, a regional competition held by the Philanthropists’ Association of Ukraine for many years already. Benefactors and philanthropists were nominated depending on their activity area. The winners received a special award — Angel of Goodness — certificates, and prizes established by the organizing committee and the partners of the competition.
Charitable Zhytomyr Competition is the regional leg of national competition Charitable Ukraine—the only nationwide project aimed at finding and awarding the greatest benefactors and the most effective philanthropic efforts in Ukraine. Most of those who decided to spread kindness to others do not look for titles and insignia because the most important thing is that their efforts make the world around us a little better and that those who need help and support are getting it.
For years, PJSC Zhytomyr Butter Plant and Petro Volodymyrovych Rud personally have been taking part in efforts to overcome social problems (supported vulnerable groups of population: orphans, elderly people, etc.), improve the material conditions of the healthcare institutions (purchase of medical equipment), as well as in the projects in the sports, cultural, educational and spiritual spheres.
Company “Rud” usually provides targeted assistance in the form of financial contributions, but support with products and services is also a sizeable share of beneficent help provided by the company. Special attention is paid to helping the Ukrainian soldiers in the ATO zone—funds are allocated to provide their further rehabilitation. Our specialists held the Ice Cream Festivals in Kramatorsk and Severodonetsk. The eyes of children who took a part in a true children’s party for the first time since the anti-terrorist operation shone with joy that can hardly be expressed in words. Also, the company helped the Social and Psychological Rehabilitation Centre for Children in Sloviansk.
PJSC Zhytomyr Butter Plant and Petro Volodymyrovych Rud personally thank everyone for recognizing their contribution to charity cause.