Certificates & Approvals
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an International Institution in charge of validation of the standards mutually set by representatives from various countries. Standard-setting institution, widely known as ISO, was founded on February 23rd, 1947 as coordinating body by twenty five national standards organizations. Until ISO has the status of NGO, thereof possibilities in the field of standards setting and validation are recognized to be much higher in comparison with the other similar organizations. Therefore, it favored that its standards have been recognized by many countries as having the State Status, and also it enables the effective coordinating of the most national standards organizations activities. IQNet is the International Certification Network with the NGO & NCO status founded in 1900 according to Swiss Law and having its Headquarters in the city of Berne. To the date IQNet is considered to be the leading global supplier of Management System Certification. It consists of 36 certifying bodies, having its partners in more than 200 branches all over the world.
From 2011-03-09 to 2011-03-11 all divisions of company “Rud” were involved into the external integrated audit in order to determine the compliance with the requirements of the International Standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 22000. The audit was held by auditing group of a certifying body “PRYROST - DQS-Group”. According to certification and recertification audit results held in the divisions of company “Rud”, the certifying body “PRYROST - DQS-Group” has awarded Zhytomyr Butter Plant, PJSC with Certificate of Conformity to the requirements of the International Standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO. By the way, we are considered to be one of the first among dairy branch enterprises in Ukraine, who to the date, receives the Certificate of Conformity to the requirements of the International Standard ISO 22000
More than 310.000 certificates have been issued by IQNet Partners in 150 countries all over the world. The latter are entitled to appoint more than 17.000 auditors and experts. The IQNet audit is known to be held in more than 30 various languages.
IQNet takes part in the international organizations for standardization, certification and accreditation. The equivalence of certifying activity is provided by regular assessment of every IQNet Partner according to international regulations and standards. This means that they mutually recognize the issued certificate for Management System according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and as well, the other certificates issued by numerous IQNet Partners as equivalent of thereof own. The list of Partners shall be specified on each certificate. IQNet Certificate is known to be a main evidence of the international recognition.
Certificate of Compliance with ISO 9001:2015
Organic Standard is the Ukrainian certification body in charge of the organic production that has been duly recognized in Europe. It is accredited by IOAS – the international company – according to ISO 65 Standard package. Its scope of competence includes certification of producers in compliance with some national and private standards of certain associations. The Company of RUD has undergone the certification procedure in accordance with the Council Regulation (EC) no. 834/2007 and Commission Regulation (EC) 889/2008 (Organic production & processing standards).

Certificate for processing and trade in organic products issued by Organic Standard LLC Certificate No. 23-0299-01-UA-01.
Issued on 21 May 2024 by Organic Standard LLC as per the Standard for Organic Production and Processing, which is equivalent to the Standard of the European Union.
Valid through 21 August 2025

Certificate for processing and trade in organic products issued by Organic Standard LLC Certificate No. 24-0299-10-01.
Issued on 21 May 2024 by Organic Standard LLC as per the Standard for Organic Production and Processing, which is equivalent to the Standard of the European Union.
Valid through 31 December 2025.
HALAL Certificate
Halal Certification Centre is an independent organisation for product certification in accordance with the requirements of the Halal standard. It is the only official certification body in Ukraine, which is supported and controlled by the Religious Administration of Muslims of Ukraine (RAMU).
The organisation is a recognised world Halal industry certification centre, the high level of which is confirmed by the JAKIM and EIAC world-famous accreditation bodies.
Halal is a certificate confirming compliance with Sharia food requirements. The term means that the product does not contain components that are prohibited for consumption by Muslims, and is a high quality, environmentally friendly product without harmful preservatives and additives.