A New Year party. A firtree. Decorations. Tangerines. Holiday meals. Gifts. Made wish. Bengal lights.
There are a lot of kind moments. We wish it were with us as long as possible. How we could do it? Take photographs and send it to be a participant of competition ‘A New Year Instant’ announced by the company of ‘Rud’. Or it could be done much easier! Everyone could open his family photo album, turn over its beloved pages and just there – on the second to the last page, to find out the best, the most memorable and valuable new year instant. Probably it is just the one that could ever bring you a little portion of happiness, joy and the beautiful present that should be found under the firtree.
‘A New Year Instant’ Photography Competition on svyato.rud.ua is being held throughout the nice tradition of the company of ‘Rud’, i.e. to favor with a joy and a holiday every day.
The competition shall commence on December 12th, 2011 by receiving of the photos from yours. The photos can be extremely various: decoration of the firtree, cooking of the holiday dinner, selection of the gifts, etc. As the photos shall have been received by January 16th, 2012, yours pictures can include such warm moments as the New Year’s Eve celebration, rituals of knocking on people’s doors and singing of carols, welcoming of Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden and so far.
The following prizes shall be awarded in the framework of ‘A New Year Instant’ Photography Competition: 5 digital photo frames, 20 brand-name watches and 27 sets of the souvenir products. The process of the voting and procedure of the winners picking can be traced on svyato.rud.ua, where everyone can also find more detailed information about the competition conditions.