Classical Charlotte: Light Apple Pie



Nowadays books, TV shows and the internet are full of variations of cooking one and the same dish for every taste. Even plain cereals or fries can have multiple interpretations including different presentation and countless side ingredients which emphasize and fully expose the usual taste. Recipe of classical charlotte is not an exception from the long list of favorite delicacies which have a rich history and different variations of cooking.

The original recipe of charlotte was created in Germany and implied a classical German dessert baked from wheat bread, whipped cream, fruit and liqueur. In the aftermath charlotte became popular as an English dish, one of pudding derivations, which is usually served warm.

Apples became the most popular filling due to their favorable price and abundance. However, you can also use other berries and fruit, such as pears, plums or strawberries. Those who like chocolate can substitute the fruit filling by chocolate mousse or any cream.

Simple recipe of charlotte includes everyday products which can be bought at any grocer’s or market. Such a pie is easily cooked and demands neither much time nor high expenses.

Classical charlotte

The original recipe of charlotte was created in Germany and implied a classical German dessert baked from wheat bread, whipped cream, fruit and liqueur.

A simple recipe with apple charlotte, instructions.Baked products
Easy Dinner


Egg 7 pcs.
Sugar 2 cups
Melted butter (or margarine + a piece for pan coating) 0.5 cup
Wheat flour 2 cups
Apples to one’s taste
Dairy butter
“Khutorok Selyans’kiy”, 72,5%
Classical charlotte


Stage 1

Beat up eggs and sugar in a dry bowl. If the eggs are large, take 5 instead of 7. Too many eggs will make dough too deadish. Thoroughly froth eggs and sugar. A usual whisk will not be able to do the task, that is why use a blender.

Stage 2

Melt butter with the help of double boiling and add frothed eggs and sugar. Beat up the mixture once again until butter melts completely.

Stage 3

Sieve flour. The better it is sieved, the puffier the charlotte, because sieving does not only eliminate unwanted lumps and cleans flour, but also plays the role of a natural leaven.

Stage 4

Delicately pour sieved butter into the foamy mixture of eggs, sugar and butter. Dole out the poured flour, constantly mixing it to eliminate lumps. If the mixture is not smooth, dough would not pluff, and there would be no lightness in the pie.

Stage 5

Thoroughly cut out seed cases from the apples and then slice them. Some prefer cutting apples into slabs, however, it is not the best choice for baking a charlotte. The thinner the apple slices, the better they bake in dough.

Stage 6

Before adding apples to dough, sieve them with flour. Some butter will not let the fruit sag to the bottom and will help them settle proportionally in dough. Shake off spare flour.

Stage 7

Pour some dough into the coated pan, then add the apples and pour the rest of dough over them. It is this adding sequence that will help the apples spread proportionally and favour the pluffing.

Stage 8

Put the pie in the oven pre-heated to 160C/180C. Cook the pie under the same medium temperature for charlotte not to burn and to bake thoroughly. Baking duration depends on the sizes of the cooked pie, and approximately totals 40-50 minutes. If the oven is old and weak, cooking may take 10-15 minutes more.

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